June 30 (Sat)
Gastrointestinal Endoscope Reprocessing: The Essentials
(소화기 내시경 재처리의 필수 사항 정리)
(in Korean Language)
Moderators : Byung Ik Jang (Yeungnam University, Korea)
Hee Hyuk Im (Soonchunhyang University Hospital, Korea)
14:00-14:20 Update on gastrointestinal endoscope reprocessing process
(소화기 내시경 재처리 과정의 최신 지견 소개)
Mi Gyoung Jeong (Wonkwang University Hospital, Korea)
14:20-14:40 The Importance of Gastrointestinal Endoscope Reprocessing: Transmission of Infections Associated with Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
(소화기 내시경 재처리의 중요성: 소화기 내시경과 연관된 감염 전파)
Sang Wook Kim (Chonbuk National University, Korea)
14:40-15:00 Proper use of approved high-level disinfectants
(공인된 고수준 소독제의 올바른 사용법)
Eun Taek Park (Kosin University, Korea)
15:00-15:20 Revised Guidelines for Accredited Endoscopy Unit in Korea: Focusing on Endoscope Reprocessing
(우수내시경실 인증 지침 개정안: 내시경 재처리 관련 사항)
Jeong Eun Shin (Dankook University)
15:20-15:30 Q&A