Young Endoscopist Forum (Invitation Only)

June 29 (Fri.), 2018
Convention Hall B (4F. Convention Center, Grand Hilton Seoul Hotel)

08:00-08:30 Registration
08:30-08:35 AYEA Promotion Video from Nepal
08:35-08:40 Welcome Remarks Hoon Jai Chun (President, Korean Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy)
08:40-09:20 Session 1. Recent Progress in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Endoscopy in Asia 1 - Upper GI
Moderator: Hoon Jai Chun (Korea)
Mentor-Mentee Discussants: Jun Hyung Cho (Korea), Nyam Biziya (Mongolia)
08:40-08:48 (8') S1-1 Endoscopic Radiofrequency Treatment for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Ekrem Aslan (Turkey)
08:48-08:56 (8') S1-2 Endoscopic Manifestation and Value of Endoscopic Biopsy by Mucosal Incision for Upper GI Submucosal Tumors Nguyen Anh Duong (Vietnam)
08:56-09:04 (8') S1-3 Evaluate the Result of Endoscopic Dilation of Benign Esophageal Anastomosis Stricture at Viet Duc Hospital Pham Thi Viet Ngoc (Vietnam)
09:04-09:12 (8') S1-4 Importance of Endoscopy in Evaluating Upper Gastrointestinal Lesions: an Experience in Sahodar Hospital of Rural Nepal Shiva Ram Srimal (Nepal)
09:12-09:20 (8') S1-5 Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection for Treatment of Early Gastrointestinal Cancer: Initial Results and Experience from a Single Institution in Vietnam Thai Doan Ky (Vietnam)
09:20-10:00 Session 2. Recent Progress in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Endoscopy in Asia 2 - Lower GI
Moderator: Young-Seok Cho (Korea)
Mentor-Mentee Discussants: Hyuk Soon Choi (Korea), Umut Emre Aykut (Turkey)
09:20-09:28 (8') S2-1 Fecal Microbiota Transplantation in Mild to Moderate Ulcerative Colitis Fails to Attain Endoscopic Remission or Response Ajinkya Ashok Sonambekar (India)
09:28-09:36 (8') S2-2 Capsule Endoscopy in the Diagnosis of Intestine and Colon Diseases Aleksey Aleksandrovich Likutov (Russia)
09:36-09:44 (8') S2-3 Detection of Diverticular Disease. Ct or Colonoscopy Bayasgalan Luvsandagva (Mongolia)
09:44-09:52 (8') S2-4 The Efficacy of Cap-Assisted Colonoscopy Versus Standard Colonoscopy: a Prospective Randomized Case Control Study Raiza Geires G. Bondoc (Philippines)
09:52-10:00 (8') S2-5 The Efficacy and Safety of Argon Plasma Coagulation in Radiation Colitis: a One-Center Experience Saskia Aziza Nursyirwan (Indonesia)
10:00-10:20 Coffee Break
10:20-11:00 Session 3. Recent Progress in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Endoscopy in Asia 3 - Pancreatobiliary
Moderator: Young Koog Cheon (Korea)
Mentor-Mentee Discussants: Tae Hoon Lee (Korea), Tanyaporn Chantarojanasiri (Thailand)
10:20-10:28 (8') S3-1 Endoscopic Cystogastrostomy without Transpapillary Stenting Provides Long-Term Success for Pseudocyst/WON Soumya Jagannath Mahapatra (India)
10:28-10:36 (8') S3-2 Role of Endotherapy Vs Surgery in the Management of Traumatic Pancreatic Injury - a Tertiary Center Experience Thinakar Mani Balusamy (India)
10:36-10:44 (8') S3-3 Management of Walled Off Pancreatic Necrosis: Skin or Scope Ujjwal Sonika (India)
10:44-10:52 (8') S3-4 Prediction of Successful Direct Cholangioscopic Biopsy with Mini-Foceps (Spybite®) via Spyglass DS® System in Indeterminate Biliary Stricture – a Single Medical Center Experience from Taiwan Yao-Sheng Wang (Taiwan)
10:52-11:00 (8') S3-5 EUS-Guided Hepaticogastrostomy or Choledochoduodenostomy in Malignant Biliary Obstruction: Malaysian Perspective Yu Peng Tan (Malaysia)
11:00-11:45 Session 4. International School for Young GI Endoscopists: Tips for Publishing in an Academic Journal
Moderators: Eun Young Kim (Korea), Michael B. Wallace (USA)
11:00-11:15 (15') S4-1 Introduction to Clinical Endoscopy Do Hyun Park (Korea)
11:15-11:30 (15') S4-2 How to Upgrade Your Academic Writing Skills Sun-Young Lee (Korea)
11:30-11:45 (15') S4-3 How to Publish in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Michael B. Wallace (USA)
11:45-12:00 Q&A / Closing