
Asian Young Endoscopist Award (AYEA) provides partial financial support to endoscopist outside Korea to receive clinical training in GI Endoscopy at selected endoscopic training centers in Korea to promote advancement and collaboration among the training center as well as for incidental expenses related to the training including housing.


Provide funding for endoscopic training so that an endoscopist can acquire or develop new knowledge or a technical skill about GI Endoscopy. This newly acquired knowledge or endoscopic skill would then be used to improve patient care in the applicant’s region.


Asian physicians who are not residing in Korea and who are working in GI Endoscopy are eligible to apply together with his/her training institution.
All applicants must be able to communicate effectively in English.

Target fields

UGI endoscopy (6 persons), LGI endoscopy (6 persons), ERCP (6 persons), EUS (2 persons)

A training period, Awards and Number of awardees

Training period Award Number of awardees
Two weeks (from June 13, 2016) USD 3,000 20 persons


  1. Full travel grant including air flights, accommodation, meal, VISA application and travel insurance
    (3,000 USD for 2 weeks)
  2. Endoscopic training program at an outstanding endoscopy center of Korea
  3. Attendance at the Young Endoscopist Forum (June 24, 2016)
  4. Attendance at IDEN 2016 (June 25 - 26, 2016)

Duties (besides training)

  1. An English presentation (6 minutes, topics related to GI Endoscopy) during the Young Endoscopist Forum
    (June 24, 2016)
  2. Submission of an abstract for an English presentation during the Young Endoscopist Forum before arriving to Korea
  3. Submission of evaluation sheets after training
  4. IDEN 2016 registration is mandatory, and registration fee will be refunded on site.

Guidelines for Application

  1. Applicants should apply to their preferred field of participation; UGI endoscopy, LGI endoscopy, ERCP or EUS.
  2. Training center of each application will be selected by the committee of KSGE.
  3. Requiring documents
    • Complete an application form including a written personal statement on reasons for seeking training.
      (Application form can be downloaded at IDEN 2016 website,
    • Curriculum vitae including a recent photo
    • Two letters of recommendation: one from your training preceptor/director; and the other from the president of your society of GI endoscopy
    • Lists of published articles written by English (last 5 years)
    • A photocopy of passport showing photograph and identification information
  4. Completed applications and all correspondence should be mailed to the IDEN 2016 Secretariat address listed below.
  5. Visa and Travel Insurance is the responsibility of the applicant.

Review Process

Awards will be given by a special committee of the KSGE and will be based upon the applicant’s credentials and their bright potential for enhancing the field of GI endoscopy in the applicant’s home country.


Deadline for submission of application is March 14, 2016. The awardees will be notified after March 29, 2016.

Contact Information

IDEN 2016 Secretariat
Tel: +82 2 2269 4385   Fax: +82 2 2269 4380   E-mail:
Address: #405, Tahoe Business Center, Lions Bldg., 50-6 Chungmuro 2ga, Jung-gu, Seoul 100-861, Korea